Tuesday, 19 August 2008

So We Say on Facebook

So it seems that absolutely everything these days is Facebook orientated (I'd probably forget my birthday if it wasn't for that thing)...and I've decided to follow suit. It's a nice place for people to swap ideas in terms of words, doodles, places to stick them up or just get some inspiration. Something that blogspot can't really offer at the moment. People can also check out all the different people currently wanting to get involved with So We Say.

There's a bit of a gallery on there, but the one here is a lot more extensive currently.

If you're on Facebook and would like to join the simply do a group search for "So We Say" or click this handy hyperlink http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=31306091977

- So We Say


DI-OEN said...

some how i'm unable to find this group, what about a link on this site?

Larry McCloskey said...

Sorted di-oen!