Thursday, 11 September 2008

So We Say Seaside

This was left on a fence by the sea in Bournemouth on the south coast of England. With a quote from American author, philosopher and abolitionist Henry David Thoreau.

So We Say Stateside

These were all posted in Miami, Florida a few days ago. The state that gave birth to the frankly excellent "Miami" by Will Smith. All of them by the same person but using different styles.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

So Today We Say

These were part of 4 post-its I put up this morning in the centre of Sheffield before the rush-hour. They were dotted around various places on benches, seats and as can be seen in the first photo, on the window of a Panasonic shop.

Monday, 1 September 2008

So We Say En France

Un chariot.

Don't sell your soul.

These were taken at the weekend in a Super U supermarket in Nantes, France.

- So We Say.